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Inside Look

Board of Regents Financial Update

The EKU Board of Regents meets quarterly and the Vice President of Finance and Administration provides a financial update. The reports will now be available through a new link. Updates have been added back to fiscal year 2013-14.

Receipts for October 2014

On  Monday, November 10, State Budget Director Jane Driskell reported that October's General Fund receipts grew 4.6 percent compard to last year. Total revenues for the month were $755.7 million, compared to $722.5 million during October 2013. More details can be found here.

EKU Direct (Self-Serve) Training

Budget Training Classes are offered monthly.  See Training page for a description of all training opportunities and register to attend scheduled events.

FY13 Operating Budget Book Approved

The Board of Regents approved the 2012-2013 Operating Budget for EKU at the June 12th meeting.  A copy of the approved operating budget is available here.

Budget Development Open June 4-15, 2012

 Budget Development will be open for modifications in Banner Self-Serve Monday, June 4, 2012 through Friday June 15, 2012.  This is an opportunity for you to review and allocate your maintenance and operations budget for your FY13 planned expenditures within unrestricted and auxiliary funds only

FY13 Composite Rate

Composite Fringe Benefit Rates for FY13 are now available.  These rates go into effect July 1, 2012.  See Budget Tools and Resources for the history of composit

Consensus Forecasting Group Revenue Estimates 2014-16

The Consensus Forecasting Group (CFG) assembled on October 11, 2013 to consider the preliminary revisions to the official estimates for FY 2014 and to develop preliminary revenue estimates for FY 2015 and FY 2016.

Read more here.

October 2012 Press Release

Office of State Budget Director announces an increase in General Fund and Road Fund Receipts for September, 2012.  Press Release 10/10/2012.

FY14 Operating Budget Book Approved

The Board of Regents approved the 2013-14 Operating Budget for EKU at the June 14th meeting. A copy of the approved operating budget is available here.

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