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Budget Training Powerpoints

What is a FOAPAL?

Anatomy of a Budget


NEW February 2022 - myEKU Quick Reference Guides

myEKU Budget Status by Account  Available balance with drill-down capability

myEKU Budget Quick Query  More straight forward to use than Budget Status by Account but does not have drill-down capability

myEKU Payroll Expense Detail Query  Payroll transactions by org

myEKU Multi Year Query  GRANTS only

myEKU Encumbrance Query  Purchase orders by org

myEKU Fund Balance Query  Foundation and Auxiliary rolling fund balances

myEKU Transaction Detail Query  Actual revenue and expense detailed transactions


EKU Direct Quick Reference Guides

EKU Direct Budget Queries will remain for a limited time as we transition to myEKU.

EKU Direct Budget Query

EKU Direct Fund Balance Query

EKU Direct Grant Budget Query


Please contact Jennifer Wait, Sr. Budget Analyst, at with budget training questions and requests.


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